Thursday, November 27, 2008

What am I thankful for?

it's 1 am and i am still up as always on my laptop while watching E channel on tv. i really need to learn to start sleeping earlier because i'm finally going to be working again at the mirage on monday. today it was actually raining in Vegas which is very rare. anyways, its Thanksgiving and i am very thankful to being alive and for my hubby and baby girl for always being there with me. i'm thankful for the love and happiness of my family and friends even if they are miles and miles away. i'm definitely thankful for the things that i have because some people don't have those and i'm blessed to enjoy what is given to me in life. even if the economy is down, i am so thankful to the Lord for his love, my family, food and just being happy to be living.

i ruined my goal for november that i would not buy any makeup product, but i did. so i decided that in december i will not buy any makeup product. today i went to walgreens and ended up buying wet n wild tinted moisturizer in natural and purple eye pencil all for $5. i have until sunday to buy any makeup products so MAC and ULTA here i come.

yesterday, angel and i went to bargain shopping and i ended up buying a dress,jacket, 2 scarves and angel's toy for $50. i just can't help myself when it comes to shopping and fashion. i just need to look in my closet and tell myself that i don't have any more space for more clothes and i need to save up for better things like my dream house and car. that is my new years resolution to move in a house and get my dream car within the year 2009. even though living in this apartment saves us at least $200 a month, i think it is such as waste. it's only a 1br and garage is detached. as opposed to getting a house thats 3br with 2 car garage for less than $1100. when january comes, we're house hunting. a house is something i really want so i can give up the things like fashion and makeup for awhile until i have that house and car. well thats all for now. ill post pics later. i'm going to start doing youtube videos of my makeup and fashion stuffs soon since i found my camera battery charger. yay!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

i ruined my goal...

so i told myself i would not buy any beauty product includes hair, makeup or nail products for the whole month of November. but i couldn't resist the temptation and ended up buying an eyeshadow. also, the new Mac Holiday is out and i want to go and get it. but i'll wait till the end of the month because that's when we'll go shopping. red is my color for this christmas because i bought this cute dress w/coat that's red & black and i figured we'll match colors. red is a color of christmas right? anyways, this christmas, i really want an APPLE IPHONE. i don't know if i want a white or black one? still thinking about it. there's so much things that i would love to have, but i really want to get the things that i've been longing for so long and that is a better car. im thankful i do have a car, but i want to be able to pay for something i really wanted. another thing i must get before my birthday next year is to move into a HOUSE. i can't wait to move out of this apartment. we need more space and i want to feel like a second home rather than a place to live. vegas is ok. its just not the same without my family like my parents, bros, cousins, aunts, uncles and all the kids. i have a big family back on maui and we just have fun together. anyways its already 135 i should be sleeping. no water at 9 am who knows when it'll be back up.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

we all now have Chucks!

i have not blogged in such a long time. i have so much pictures and stuffs to share but i've been doing other things so i haven't been writing as much as i would like. anyways, angel and i are back from maui since monday morning. we've done a lot. mostly shopping which is not good because we need to save up for the holidays and of course moving into a house before the end of our lease. i can't wait to move into a house in april. that would be the best birthday present i ever have. to live in our own house me jan and angel.
this afternoon we went to LV outlet center on warm springs/las vegas blvd. since our 2 yr anniversary is coming up, jan decided that he will finally buy my diamond ring that i wanted since we no longer will have the wedding of my dreams at least a wedding ring of my dreams. anyways, we went to zales, but they only had 2 ct which is way too expensive, i just wanted the 1 ct so we're going to check out the other outlet store and hopefully they have it. we checked out some stores but, didn't buy anything even though i did find some fashion clothing at wetseal that i wanted. im glad that i saw a Converse store, because Angel now has a pair of chucks like jan and i have. its cool that we all now have chucks!